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Religare Life Launches 3 Protection Plans

Source: Pavitra kumar
Dated: Aug 5th, 2015

i-Income is a non-linked, non-participating term assurance plan designed to protect the household's income stream for a fixed term in the event of the unfortunate demise of the insured. iSpouse is a joint life term assurance plan for working couples and iCancer is designed for insurance protection against all stages of cancer.


Private sector AEGON Religare Life Insurance (ARLI) on Wednesday announced the launch of three protection plans, iIncome plan, iSpouse and iCancer - all available for online sales only.

iIncome is a non-linked, non-participating term assurance plan designed to protect the household's income stream for a fixed term in the event of the unfortunate demise of the insured. iSpouse is a joint life term assurance plan for working couples and iCancer is designed for insurance protection against all stages of cancer. 


"We have attained leadership in innovative and need-based products because we believe in simplicity. In a world full of uncertainty and anxiety, our new product offerings attempt to bring some certainty and comfort to those who have been hit hard by circumstance," ARLI Managing Director and CEO K S Gopalakrishnan told reporters here. 


"These products emphasise the fundamental propositions of life insurance - protection from uncertainty and are built based on customer feedbacks," he said. ARLI is a joint venture between international provider of life insurance, pensions and asset management AEGON and diversified financial services group Religare.