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Pune Insurance Agents Eye Record-Breaking Sale of 11,000 Policies in a Day on Aug 12

Source: Hindustan Times
Dated: Jul 31st, 2017

Two city-based life insurance agents - Milind Sampagaonkar and Kirti Sampagaonkar- are attempting to create a record by selling 11,000 life insurance policies in a day with an aim to help India’s revenue. The commission they earn will be around Rs. 1 crore, all of which will be donated in a 60 / 40 ratio to both the Prime Minister’s as well aschief minister’s relief fund.

“On August 12, we plan to register 11,000 policies with Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and the commission that we receive will be donated to the relief funds,” Milind said. The insurance is of Rs. 1 lakh where a person has to pay only Rs. 350 per month, where upon the nominee will get Rs. 1 lakh sum assured, plus a loyalty claim. In case of an accident, the nominee will get Rs. 2 lakh from this policy. On maturity, the nominee will get Rs. 1 lakh plus additional claim. But, this policy, namely Aadhar Stambh and Aadhar Shila, are for Aadhar card holders, men and women respectively.

“Being a life insurance agent is also a kind of social work where we promote and pursue people to insure their lives. Besides, if we see the current scenario, people hesitate to buy insurance policies and research states that there is low penetration of awareness about insurance policies,” said Kirti Sampagaonkar.

The couple started planning for this record from June 1, by appealing to people to fill up forms and submit them by August 10 with all the necessary documents so that they could reach their goal of setting the record of selling 11,000 life insurance policies in a day.


The couple also plans to donate the renewal commission of Rs. 20 lakh to the relief fund.