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Govt Plans to form Crop Insurance Company: Prabhu Lal Saini

Source: Times of India
Dated: Sep 29th, 2017

Agriculture minister Prabhu Lal Saini on Wednesday said a proposal is being prepared to form a government crop insurance company to get rid of technical problems related to premiums and claims.

Saini was addressing a meeting between a ministerial sub-group and representatives of Bharatiya Kisan Sangh at the Pant Krishi Bhawan. The ministerial sub-group included home minister Gulab Chand Kataria, water resources minister Ram Pratap, cooperatives minister Ajay Singh and revenue minister Amra Ram.

The agriculture minister said state government would begin purchase of green gram (moong) and black gram (urad) at minimum support price (MSP) as soon as it gets the nod from the Centre. Saini even spoke to union agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh on phone about the issue.

Saini said a committee would be formed to ensure better implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana in the state. The committee would study the scheme's pros and cons and make suggestions to the state government to execute in a better way.


State's 25 Krishi Mandi have been connected with Rashtriya Krishi Bazaar, while the remaining Mandis have been linked with Rajasthan Integrated Mandi Management System, said Saini. The state government has reclaimed encroached platforms at most of the Mandi to ensure that farmers do not face difficulty in selling their crops. The agriculture minister said Rajasthan State Seeds Corporation would now have two members from the Kisan Sanghs as special invitees.