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Exide Life Insurance Announces Launch of Twitter Based Self Help Service

Source: New
Dated: Feb 13th, 2017

Exide Life Insurance today announced the launch of its Twitter based self help service @ExideLifeCares. Designed to enable customers to manage their Exide Life Insurance policies on the popular social media platform, the service is one of its kind in the life insurance category. While on one hand the Company has been using social media to promote brand Exide Life Insurance, on the other hand it has been actively engaging with its existing customers by helping them with policy related queries. 30 percent of all customer queries that the company receives on Social Media come on Twitter. The company decided to enable Self Help Services on Twitter with an almost instant solution to customers' key policy servicing requirements.


An exclusive Twitter handle @ExideLifeCares has been created to allow customers to access a bouquet of predefined services for their existing Exide Life Insurance policies. To get started, all one needs to do is Tweet "Hi" or "Hello" @ExideLifeCares. Upon doing so the interaction moves into the secure private message box (DM) where the user is prompted for one time registration using "Date of Birth" and "Exide Life Insurance Policy Number". Hereon the interactions are guided by our Twitter enabled automated service. The services currently being offered are renewal premium payment, download premium payment receipt, update contact details, check policy status, policy due date, policy premium and survival benefit details etc.


The foremost and the most important pillar of Exide Life Insurance Digital strategy is to serve its existing customers online by offering them best in class user experience.